Dryer Repair in Cerritos CA - (562) 203-3420

Like most appliance repair companies, we strongly recommend routine maintenance to be performed on all major household appliances. So if it's been a while, or if you've just not taken the opportunity to have it done quite yet, contact us right away for scheduling.

We know you'll feel a whole lot better after you've taken care of it, and your appliances will likely run longer as a result. Cerritos dryer repair is available to local residents now. Whether you may be looking for dryer parts, dryer repair services, or just having an appliance tune-up, we can be of great assistance. Dryer repair in Cerritos CA is how we've made a name for ourselves in the area.

We also service customers in neighboring cities of Cerritos CA. Dryer parts in Cerritos CA can be hard to come by for certain exclusive makes or models of dryers. Older units may also be harder to find the correct parts for. It's no sweat for us though, we have it covered. Our inventory is massive and if we do not have a part in stock, we are confident that we can locate it and replace your dryer parts as quickly as possible.

Just like that. Look at or request some of our past customer referrals for dryer repair in Cerritos CA. We know you'll be delighted with what others have said about our trustworthy dryer repair work. And if you are one of our existing customers in Cerritos CA and would like to share your great experience with our company to others, please let us know. We'd appreciate your candid feedback.

Helpful tip

Many dryer problems are the result of poor maintenance. If the machine is overheating, it may be due to lint buildup or a clog in any of the many vents and exhaust openings. The ductwork can be home to many issues. Make sure it always has a clear airway and look for any kinks that should be fixed. If your dryer is hot to touch, yet doesn't get clothes clean, and the lint is well managed, then the ductwork is likely to blame. For optimal results, also solid metal ducting, whether rigid or semi-rigid.

Top dryer brands we service


(562) 203-3420

we're open 7 days a week, 8AM - 8PM

Cerritos Appliance Repair Express located at

13337 South St #275, Cerritos, CA 90703

$10 discount with any repair
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